Report of the Constitution & Bylaws Committee

Co-Chairs | Co-président·e·s

Alisha Campbell
Geoff Ryan

Members | Membres

Sandra Ahenakew
Yann Boudreau
Rina Calendino
Allison Fraser
Lisa Gregory
Prabir Roy

Technical Advisors | Conseillers techniques

Greg McNamara
Mark Pecek
Franco Picciano

Administrative Support | Support administratif

Michelle Brunet


The Constitution and Bylaws Committee dealt with resolutions that change the UNE’s Bylaws or PSAC Constitution.

Resolutions that change the UNE by-laws require the support of 2/3 of voting delegates at this convention in order to be adopted.

Resolutions that impact the PSAC Constitution require a simple majority (> 50%) vote at this convention but would have to be adopted by a 2/3 margin, at the PSAC 2024 Triennial Convention, to be adopted.

The committee would like to draw your attention to resolution CS-07 which does not change the UNE Bylaws or PSAC Constitution.  Therefore, when debate turns to this resolution, a simple majority would be required for its adoption.

The Committee met, in person, on June 13, 14 and 15, at the Lord Elgin Hotel, in Ottawa to review all 13 resolutions that were assigned to the committee.

Prior to the meeting, the PSAC President reviewed the submitted resolutions and determined that CS-05, CS-12 and CS-13 were not in order.  Therefore, the Committee did not deal with these resolutions.

Careful, and detailed consideration was afforded to all resolutions that were submitted.

Of the 10 resolutions, deemed to be in-order, 7 received a recommendation of concurrence and 3 received a recommendation of non-concurrence by the Committee.

The Committee prioritization exercise was focused on ensuring that resolutions with a recommendation of concurrence, that could have an impact on the election process, would be dealt with before other resolutions of concurrence. These would be followed by the resolutions that have a recommendation of non-concurrence.

The priorities the committee established, for resolutions receiving concurrence recommendations were as follows:

  • CS 02 – National Vice-President for Human Rights
  • CS 01 – Statement of Duties – National Vice-President for Occupational Health and Safety
  • CS-03 – Abolishment of Term Limits in 2026
  • CS-08 – National Executive Compensated
  • CS-04 – Increase in the Number of Allotted Delegates to UNE Triennial Convention
  • CS 10 – Relocation of Full-time National President and Vice-President
  • CS 07 – Structural Review of National Executive

The priorities the committee established, for resolutions receiving non-concurrence recommendations were as follows:

  • CS 11 – Abolishment of the National Heath and Safety Position
  • CS-06 – Triennial National Convention’s Resolution
  • CS-09 – Abolish the Limit of Two Consecutive Terms in the Same Position

During deliberations, the Resolution number and title will appear in the top left corner of the screen.

You can then follow along with the Committee Report electronically. The report is detailed and contains:

  • The resolution; or the amended resolution, as amended by the Committee,
  • The Committee’s recommendation of concurrence or non-concurrence,
  • The rationale associated with the Committee's recommendation,
  • The costing of the Resolution, if applicable,
  • Those committee members who wished to be recorded against the committee’s recommendation, if applicable.

The original resolutions, as submitted by the respective submitting body, can also be found in the Reports section.

If there is a discrepancy between the English and French, the language of default will be the language in which the original resolution was submitted.


Table of Contents

  1. CS 2 - The national vice-president for human rights
  2. CS 1 - Statement of Duties – National Vice President for Occupational Health and Safety
  3. CS 3 - Abolishment of Term Limits in 2026
  4. Amended CS 8 - National Executive Compensated
  5. CS 4 - Increase Number of Allotted Delegates to UNE Triennial Conventions
  6. Amended CS 7 - Structural Review of UNE
  7. CS 11 - Removal of National Health and Safety Position
  8. CS 6 - Triennial National Convention’s Resolutions
  9. CS 9 - Abolish the limit of two consecutive terms in the same position
  10. CS 10 - Relocation of Full Time National President and Vice-President


Resolution CS 2
The national vice-president for human rights

Origin: National Executive

Bylaw 2, Section 18

The Union of National Employees will amend Bylaw 2, Section 18 to read as follows:

Bylaw 2 Sec 18

The national vice-president for human rights:

a) is responsible for human rights and equity issues in the UNE;
b) establishes and maintains contact with the human rights regional representatives;
c) co-ordinates the efforts of the human rights committee;
d) presides at all meetings of the human rights committee;
e) attends all meetings of the national executive;
f) participates in committee meetings of the national executive when required;
g) presides at the UNE Human Rights Conference;
h) represents the UNE on the PSAC Human Rights committee;
i) submits a written report of that officer’s activities at each meeting of the national executive. This report forms part of the minutes of national executive meetings and is forwarded to the members of the human rights committee and all locals of the UNE;

j) files a report to the national executive on the vice-president for Human Rights’ activities and recommendations four months prior to the UNE Triennial Convention. This report is forwarded to the national executive and to local presidents and convention delegates;

k) recommends, on behalf of the committee, the expenditure of the human rights committee budget;
l) provides advice to the UNE on human rights and equity issues;
m) approves all official communications by human rights regional representatives;
n) takes responsibility for human rights communication strategies;
o) ensures that the assistant national vice-president for human rights is informed of all matters relevant to the human rights committee and the UNE; and
p) performs other duties assigned by the national president or the national executive.
q) In the event the national president and national executive vice-president are absent from a national executive meeting, the national vice-president for human rights will take on the responsibility of the chair;
r) In the event the national president and the national executive vice-president leave the podium during a convention and/or conference, the national vice- president for human rights will assume the responsi­bility of chairing the conference and/or convention.

The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee agrees that the Vice President for Human Rights should also be accountable to submit this important report, as this would align with the other national officers’ duties to submit reports. This position is representative of the diversity of our union and strengthens our values as such.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Yann Boudreau    Seconded by: Lisa Gregory


Resolution CS 1
Statement of Duties – National Vice President for Occupational Health and Safety

Origin: National Executive

Bylaw 2, Section 19

The Union of National Employees will add a new Bylaw 2, Section 19 to read as follows (all subsequent sections will be renumbered accordingly):

Bylaw 2 Sec 19

The national vice-president for occupational health and safety will:

a) be responsible for the occupational health and safety objectives for the  membership of UNE;
b) be the point of contact for UNE members for National Policy Health and Safety committees;
c) co-ordinate the efforts of the national executive standing committee on occupational health and safety;
d) preside at all meetings of the national executive standing committee on occupational health and safety;
e) attend all meetings of the national executive;
f) participate in committee meetings of the national executive when required;
g) co-chair with the National Executive Vice President of UNE at the UNE Health and Safety Conference, in each convention cycle;
h) submit a written report of that officer’s activities at each meeting of the national executive. This report forms part of the minutes of national executive meetings;
i) file a report to the national executive on the vice-president’s activities and recommendations four months prior to the UNE Triennial Convention. This report is forwarded to the national executive and to local presidents and convention delegates;
j) provide advice to the UNE National Executive on occupational health and safety issues;
k) approve all official communications by the national executive standing committee on occupational health and safety;
l) take responsibility for occupational health and safety communication strategies;
m) take on responsibility of the chair in the event the national president, national executive vice-president and national vice-president for human rights are absent from a national executive meeting
n) assume the responsibility of chairing the conference and /or convention in the event the national president, the national executive vice-president and national vice-president for human rights leave the podium during a convention and/or conference
o) perform other duties assigned by the national president or the national executive.

The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The duties proposed are in line with the other National Officer positions. The Committee notes that the position was created at Convention 2021 without duties in the UNE Bylaws. Furthermore, these duties were recommended by the UNE Standing Committee on Occupational Health & Safety.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Prabir Roy    Seconded by: Yann Boudreau


Resolution CS 3
Abolishment of Term Limits in 2026

Origin: Melissa Brandt, Local 40064; Marissa Buote, Local 40195; Hayley Johnston, Local 40340; Gloria Pfeifer, Local 40350; Pervaiz Iqbal, Local 40040; Omar Murray, Local 40340

Bylaw 2 Sec 27

The Union of National Employees will abolish Bylaw 2, Section 27 (Term Limits for all nationally and regionally elected officers) commencing in the UNE Convention cycle of 2026-2029.

Bylaw 2 Sec 27


No member may be elected to the same UNE, national or regional officer position for more than two consecutive terms.

The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee feels that when someone is competent and does good work for two mandates, it should be left to the members to decide whether to re-elect that qualified person for additional terms. The committee further believes this issue should be debated by delegates on the Convention floor.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Lisa Gregory    Seconded by: Yann Boudreau

Recorded against: Geoff Ryan, Prabir Roy


Amended Resolution CS 8
National Executive Compensated

The Union of National Employees shall modify Bylaw 2 Section 18 new a) and Bylaw 2 section 19 new a), policy would need to be updated accordingly to have a National Executive that is compensated on a full-time basis using the following compensation rates:

President: 100% of the formula specified in Policy NEN 1.

National Executive Vice-President: 85% of the formula specified in Policy NEN 1, Section 1.

National Vice-President for Human Rights, National Vice-President for Occupational Health and Safety and Regional Vice-Presidents:  80% of the formula specified in Policy NEN 1, Section 1.

Please note: costs will have to be calculated for this matter, but the salary according to this calculation would be of $108,000 X 13 positions, or $1,414,400 per annum, less the replacement of the salary for existing expenses, which means that the salary cost for this resolution is approximately $1,300,000 per annum, allocated over an average of 23,000 members. According to the average salary of a member, i.e. $56.52 per annum or $4.71 per member per month, an increase of approximately 16% of the portion of component dues of the total PSAC dues.

Resolution CS 08 has been amended as follows: To add to the resolution: amended Bylaw 2 Sec 18 a) and Bylaw 2 Sec 19 a) to add “is a full-time paid officer”.  Policy NEN and any other policy would be updated accordingly and to remove the costing in the resolution that was provided by the submitting body.

Bylaw 2 Sec 18 The national vice-president for human rights: 

a) is a full-time paid officer;
b) is responsible for human rights and equity issues in the UNE;
c) establishes and maintains contact with the human rights regional representatives; 
d) co-ordinates the efforts of the human rights committee; 
e) presides at all meetings of the human rights committee; 
f) attends all meetings of the national executive; 
g) participates in committee meetings of the national executive when required; 
h) presides at the UNE Human Rights Conference; 
i) represents the UNE on the PSAC Human Rights committee; 
j) submits a written report of that officer’s activities at each meeting of the national executive. This report forms part of the minutes of national executive meetings and is forwarded to the members of the human rights committee and all locals of the UNE; 
k) recommends, on behalf of the committee, the expenditure of the human rights committee budget; 
l) provides advice to the UNE on human rights and equity issues; m) approves all official communications by human rights regional representatives; 
n) takes responsibility for human rights communication strategies;
o) ensures that the assistant national vice-president for human rights is informed of all matters relevant to the human rights committee and the UNE; and 
p) performs other duties assigned by the national president or the national executive. 
q) In the event the national president and national executive vice-president are absent from a national executive meeting, the national vice-president for human rights will take on the responsibility of the chair; 
r) In the event the national president and the national executive vice-president leave the podium during a convention and/or conference, the national vicepresident for human rights will assume the responsibility of chairing the conference and/or convention.

The vice-president for each region: 

a) is a full-time paid officer;
b)follows the decisions taken by the national executive and the Triennial UNE and PSAC conventions; 
c) attends all meetings of the national executive and submits a written report of regional activities annually by April first. This report forms part of the minutes of the next national executive meetings and will be forwarded to all the locals in their respective regions; 
d) participates in the committees of the national executive as required; d) represents the UNE at meetings of the national board of directors, on PSAC committees or in other forums as required; f) files a report to the national executive on the vice-president’s activities and recommendations four months prior to the UNE Triennial Convention. This report is forwarded to the national executive and to local presidents and convention delegates from the region; 
g) is responsible to the national president and national executive for the affairs of the region and performs regional duties required by the national executive; g) contacts locals within the region on a regular basis and is available to visit locals upon reasonable request; h) has authority to attend any local meeting and to examine the records and accounts of any local of the UNE within the region; 
h) participates in PSAC activities in the region and encourages locals within the region to do the same; 
i) provides guidance to locals in the region; 
j) coordinates and monitors the activities of the assistant vice-president for the region; 
k) works cooperatively with the assistant vice-president for the region, the human rights representative and the alternate human rights representative and meets with them at least once per quarter; m) encourages membership participation in PSAC and other union-sponsored education; 
l) organizes and coordinates regional seminars within the region in accordance with the budgetary policies set at convention. (In lieu of regional seminars, the vice-president for the region of countries outside Canada will visit twice per term an overseas location where members can assemble for membership services and educational courses); and 
m) performs other duties as assigned by the national president or the national executive. 

The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee believes that the national executive does important work and there is enough work for 13 additional paid officers. There is a level of work that applies to volunteers, but the work done by the national executive is above this level and they should be paid accordingly. This would allow the officers to dedicate all their time to the position and reduce burnout and stress of having to work full time while doing the work of a national executive officer. The committee further believes this would help with officers’ work-life balance.

Cost of Resolution:
This represents a dues rate increase of 0.1576%.
This represents a dues increase of $8.30 per month per deductee.

Moved by: Lisa Gregory    Seconded by: Yann Boudreau


Resolution CS 4
Increase Number of Allotted Delegates to UNE Triennial Conventions

Origin: Ann Birnie, Local 20278; Joanne Collison, Local 20723; Birch Howard, Local Y0104; Céline Ahodekon, Local 20278; Dave Beaudoin, Local Y0102; Linda Woods, Local 20140

Bylaw 6, Section 10a

The Union of National Employees will allow locals with 4-100 members to send 2 delegates to the UNE Conventions.

Bylaw 6 Sec 10

Election of delegates

At least four months prior to the opening date of the UNE National Convention, each local that has met the requirements of Bylaw 3, Sections 4 and 11; Bylaw 3, Section 5; and Bylaw 5, Section 9 will elect from among members at a general meeting an accredited delegate to the convention. The number of delegates per local is based on the number of members in good standing in the local six months prior to the opening date of the convention:

a)   four to 100 members = one two delegates;

b)   one accredited delegate for each 100 members or portion thereof to a maximum of five delegates for any given local.

The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee believes this would give locals the opportunity to bring new members to the Convention, while still sending their experienced delegates. This also allows for flexibility. The committee believes this is one of the most important union events and attendance should be maximized. Convention can be an intimidating event for new activists. Sending two delegates allows first-time delegates to attend with a potentially familiar colleague from their local. Not all Locals have the funds to send Observers at the Locals’ expense.

Cost of Resolution:
This represents a dues rate increase of 0.0240%.
This represents a dues increase of $1.27 per month per deductee.

Moved by: Yann Boudreau    Seconded by: Sandra Ahenakew


Amended Resolution CS 7
Structural Review of UNE

The Union of National Employees will review the structure of the UNE and the effectiveness of the current regional system  with intent to unify the responses put forward to manage actions regarding multi-region sectors.

Amended to: The Union of National Employees will review the structure of the UNE and the effectiveness of the current regional system.


The Committee recommends concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee noted that the last structural review was performed in 2005 and believes the proposed resolution provides an opportunity to examine our structure. The Committee believes we have grown since then and the time is now for the component to undergo a structural review to better serve the membership. The committee further believes that the review may foster resolutions for structural changes to the 2026 UNE Triennial Convention.

Cost of Resolution:
This represents a dues rate increase of 0.0047 - 0.0101%.
This represents a dues increase of $0.25 - $0.53 per month per deductee.

Moved by: Yann Boudreau    Seconded by: Lisa Gregory


Resolution CS 11
Removal of National Health and Safety Position

Origin: Phyllis Allen, Local 00221; Carrie Vasey, Local 00221; Debbie Kerr, Local 00221; Andria Meskauskas, Local 00221; Manuel Pineda, Local 00221; Joanne McDonald, Local 00221

Bylaw 2, Section 1; Bylaw 6, Section 16

The Union of National Employees will amend Bylaw 2, Section 1, the Composition of the National Executive; namely the deletion of the national position of Occupational Health and Safety, and amend all the Bylaws, Policies and Governance Documents associated with this change and the UNE will enact this resolution immediately upon its adoption and prior to Election of National Positions at the 2023 UNE Triennial Convention.

National executive

Bylaw 2 Sec 1


The national executive is composed of the national president, the national executive vice-president, the national vice-president for human rights, the national vice-president for occupational health and safety and eleven regional vice-presidents.

The Committee recommends non-concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
UNE members have a need for representation on Health and Safety, especially when it comes to mental health. Having someone on the National Policy Health and Safety Committees is proactive. The members asked for this position to be created at the 2021 Convention and the role has not been given a chance to be defined and grow.

Cost of Resolution:
This represents a dues rate decrease of 0.0023%.
This represents a dues decrease of $0.12 per month per deductee.

Moved by: Lisa Gregory    Seconded by: Prabir Roy


Resolution CS 6
Triennial National Convention’s Resolutions

Origin: Local X0150

Bylaw 6, Section 1

The Union of National Employees will amend Bylaw 6, Section 1 as follows: 

Bylaw 6 Sec 1   
Triennial National Convention  
The supreme governing body of the UNE, consistent with its area of jurisdiction as provided by the PSAC Constitution, is the Triennial National Convention.  

The convention will deal with all resolutions and matters brought before it by:  
Local meetings; A local with supporting minutes; or  
• The national executive; or  
The Human Rights Committee. • Any member in good standing who has obtained the signature of five other members in good standing of the UNE.

The Committee recommends non-concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The Committee believes the proposed resolution as presented proposes a more exclusive versus inclusive approach to the submission of resolutions for our UNE members. The Committee further recognizes that the current composition of 18 Human Rights Committee members allows any combination or permutation of 6 members, from that committee, to submit a resolution and which has been accessed historically by previous Human Rights Committee members.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Yann Boudreau    Seconded by: Rina Calendino

Recorded against: Lisa Gregory


Resolution CS 9
Abolish the limit of two consecutive terms in the same position

Origin: Abdelmalek Boudida, local 10209; Giancarlo Di Lalla, local 10218; Laurentiu Paunescu, local 10209; Véronique Hamel, local 10218; Stéphane Lefebvre, local 10209; Christine Vallières, local 10218

Bylaw 2, Section 27

The Union of National Employees shall modify Section 27 of Bylaw 2:

No member may be elected to the same UNE, national or regional officer position for more than two consecutive terms.

The Committee recommends non-concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee feels the abolishment of term limits would make it difficult for new activists to be elected to union positions. The current bylaw allows for 6 years in the same position and the committee agrees this is an appropriate term length. The committee further feels term limits would hinder succession and opportunities for new activists.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Lisa Gregory    Seconded by: Yann Boudreau


Resolution CS 10
Relocation of Full Time National President and Vice-President

Origin: Phyllis Allen, Local 00221; Carrie Vasey, Local 00221; Debbie Kerr, Local 00221; Andria Meskauskas, Local 00221; Manuel Pineda, Local 00221; Joanne McDonald, Local 00221

Bylaw 2, Section 16

The Union of National Employees will mandate the relocation of Full Time Paid National Officers must occur with a temporary location in the National Capital Region within 30 days of election, and obtain a lease/rental agreement, or purchase agreement within 120 days of election, or the elected officer will be deemed as vacated.

The Committee recommends non-concurrence.

Committee Rationale:
The committee believes the timeframes provided are unrealistic and could be exclusionary on family status, gender etc. The committee further recognizes that the timeframes are less than those provided in the National Joint Council Relocation Directive.

Cost of Resolution:
No additional cost.
No dues increase.

Moved by: Lisa Gregory    Seconded by: Prabir Roy