Electing delegates to the PSAC Convention from regions

Policy CC4 Section 3

The Union of National Employees president or that person’s designee assigns individuals to chair and preside over the regional caucus elections for delegates and alternates to the PSAC Convention.

Regional caucuses will elect their delegates as determined by the formula described in Policy CC4 Section 2.

Regional caucuses will also elect 3 alternates, at a minimum, or the equivalent or the actual number of regional delegates, whichever is greater, to allow for ready replacement.

Elections Procedure for all regions (unless otherwise specified):

  1. The regional caucus chair calls for nominations three times for members willing to stand as a delegate for PSAC Triennial Convention
  2. All nominees for must be moved and seconded, with no mover or seconder nominating more than one person per round of voting.
  3. Nominees will indicate, in reverse order, if they are willing to stand as election as a regional delegate.
  4. Nominees declining the nomination will be struck from that specific round of voting and their name will removed from the screen.
  5. Each nominee remaining on the ballot will have no more than 3 minutes to speak to their candidacy as a potential regional delegate to the PSAC Regional Convention.
  6. The caucus chair shall then instruct regional delegates to select their preferred candidate.
  7. The caucus chair will ask after 60 seconds if delegates have had time to vote, check for technical issues, and then instruct technicians to close the vote within the next 30 seconds.
  8. Technicians will first show the caucus chair, and then the caucus, the result of each vote.
  9. Nominees receiving the lowest vote per round, or less than 10% of ballots cast in each voting round, will be dropped from the ballot, and repeated until a clear majority exists, and a nominee is declared.
  10. The process is repeated as per steps 1-5, until all regional delegates, and the regions’ respective alternates as specified in step are elected in the preamble above.
  11. The caucus chair will instruct staff to record all those elected on all positions, including alternates, and deliver them to the Chair of the Elections Committee, with a copy kept for safekeeping for reference within UNE, by UNE staff.





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