UNE Life Membership Recipients

Name Positions Date
Michael Freeman Local 00128, National Equity Representative for Persons with Disabilities 2021
Daniel Kinsella National President 2020
Mary Anne Walker Regional Vice-President, Ontario 2020
John Baglow PSAC NBoD member 2018
Ed Cashman National President 2017 Convention
Doug Marshall National President 2017 Convention
Steve Houston Human Rights Rep, B.C and Yukon, RVP B.C. and Yukon 2014 Convention
Heather Brooker National President, RVP Outside Canada 2014 Convention
Garry Larouche Regional Vice-President, Ontario 2014 Convention
Joyce Hendy ARVP Ontario 2008 Convention
Bernard Labonté Regional Vice-President, Quebec 2008 Convention
Doug Chalk National President 1999 Convention
Linda Camponi National Vice-President 1993 Convention
David Delaney Vice-President, Outside Canada 1990 Convention
Pat Fortune National President September 1990
Leo Morency Local 70157 October 1989
Arnold Giddings VP Saskatchewan October 1989
Merle Marchessault VP B.C. And Yukon, National Vice-President 1987 Convention
Tom Mcaulay VP Ontario 1984 Convention
Len Macdonald VP Atlantic 1984 Convention
Francis Fox VP Manitoba 1984 Convention
Don Golding National President, National Vice-President, VP Alberta & Northwest Territories 1981 Convention
Hank Mitchell VP Manitoba February 1977
Ernie Labarge VP Alberta and Northwest Territories October 1976
Marcel Longtin VP Ottawa-Hull June 1972
H. Fineberg VP Manitoba and Saskatchewan October 1970
L. Constantineau Executive Secretary 1969 Convention
Bruce Macdonald VP B.C. & Yukon 1969 Convention
L. A. Vance National Vice-President 1969 Convention
Paddy Phelan CSAC Member, Edmonton 1969 Merger Decision
Ted Dunik CSAC Member, Vancouver 1969 Merger Decision


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