The Union of National Employees has many essential standing committees that oversee certain day-to-day operations and larger projects. These committees are composed of National Executive members and Assistant Regional Vice-Presidents. Each committee also has a technical advisor and administrative assistant from UNE staff.

Members of the
Occupational Health and Safety Committee

  • Yann Boudreau
  • Angela Decker
  • André Miller
  • Michelle Brunet
    Technical Advisor
  • Zoelie Albert
    Administrative Assistant

Occupational Health and Safety Committee

Terms of Reference

January 2022

  1. To advise and make recommendations to the National Executive on health and safety issues.
  2. To make recommendations to the National Executive to raise member awareness of health and safety issues in locals.
  3. To provide advice on the promotion of member participation in health and safety training.
  4. To provide guidance regarding content for the UNE’s Triennial Health and Safety Conference.
  5. To provide assistance to health and safety representatives who sit on joint occupational health and safety committees.
  6. To examine legislation, policies, programs and procedures and their effect on Union members.
  7. Should the chair of the committee be absent from the executive meeting, the committee members will decide amongst themselves who will present the report to the committee
  8. All members of the committee will be given reasonable notice in advance of any scheduled meetings of the committee.
  9. Union of National Employees members in good standing may attend meeting of the committee as an observer.  All expenses incurred by observers attending the meeting are the responsibility of the individual observer or his or her local.  Prior approval must be sought from the chair of the committee.
  10. Quorum for the committee is 50 percent of established committee members.


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